What You Can Expect As Disney World Begins To Reopen

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Whew, it’s been a whirlwind and the winds are still blowing. We want you to be prepared and “in the know” as this process begins and we get back to the magic of Disney World. This is what we have been waiting on, my Disney friends and we couldn’t be more happy. We are going to break down everything that we know as Disney World begins to reopen.#WALTEXPRESS #DISNEYWORLD #DISNEYREOPENS AS DISNEY WORLD REOPENS

As Disney World Begins To Reopen

As the world continues to reopen, we are excited to hear about our most favorite place taking those steps to bring the magic back to life. Things will look and feel a little different for awhile and we will have a “new” normal. Will it last? Will this continue to be how it’s going to be from now on? We may not know the answers to those questions, but we do know Disney World WILL reopen! Here are the things we DO know about what you can expect as Disney World begins to reopen.

Disney’s main focus is the safety of the entire Disney community including cast members AND guests.

Disney Springs-Reopening May 20

You have already heard that Disney Springs will be reopening “some” dining establishments on May 20, 2020. You can find more information HERE on the reopening on Disney Springs and this site will continued to be updated as information is released.

Disney Springs will begin to reopen in a way that incorporates enhanced safety measures, including increased cleaning procedures, the use of appropriate face coverings by both Cast Members and Guests, limited-contact Guest Services and additional safety training for Cast Members. We will apply learnings and ideas from leaders in the health and travel industries, and we’re also talking to our unions as we prepare for some Cast Members to return to work.

Reservations Available After July 1, 2020

Reservations are currently being accepted for July 1st and later, including resort stays and dining reservations. No announcements have been made regarding the cancellations prior to July 1st, but reservations are not being allowed for that time frame.

Disney World Parks-Once Open

Once the Disney World parks reopen, look for experiences to be modified and/or limited availability. This just means that the Disney World we all know, we be operating a little differently. Things will look differently, but I can guarantee that the MAGIC will still be there. Social distancing guidelines will be in place based upon guidelines from health experts and government officials. We are pretty sure that face masks will be a must, or at least a “suggestion”. Click for up to date guidelines regarding all Disney World reopenings. Here are a few of procedures that could be put into place upon a reopening:

  • Phased Reopening-possible gradual reopening and/or partial reopening of certain locations
  • Physical Distancing with capacity measures-possible distancing in restaurants and attractions
  • Sanitation-Increased cleaning and sanitation processes, especially in high traffic areas
  • Health Screenings-Possible enhanced screenings; extra hand sanitizer and hand washing stations have already been implemented
  • More Cast Training-More training to cast members emphasizing on health and safety

Travel Tips From Walt Express

  • Can’t find disinfecting wipes? Make and take your own!
  • BE patient and kind. That’s it! This will be a whole new worldmake it a kinder oneBe patient with cast members and your fellow Disney World visitors. This is a time to really enjoy the magic and not rush!
  • Stay tuned to Walt Express for up to date information.

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Vanda Bean

Vanda is a Mom of 2 boys who is always thinking about or planning a trip to Disney World! Thanks to them and her work as a travel agent, she has become an expert on planning the perfect Disney trip and making wishes and dreams a beautiful reality. When she's not planning trips for others or visiting Disney herself, she graciously shares her knowledge and experiences here on Walt Express with our readers to help you plan your very own magical Disney vacation!

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