Is It Really THAT Hot? All About The Temperature At Disney World
This question gets asked pretty often. Or worse, people don’t even give the heat a second thought because they assume it will be just like hot summers at home.
We are going to break it down for you and talk about if it’s really that hot and humid in Florida, including some tips on how to avoid letting the extreme heat ruin your vacation.
Is It Hot In Disney World?
“Let’s just say that Hades himself is standing at the entrance to Florida!” This is actually my friend’s favorite quote about when asked about Disney World! He wants to make sure everyone knows what they are getting themselves into before traveling to Florida.
We joke about this, but it can be very serious if you have never been and never felt it for yourself.
The Humidity at Disney
Summers in the deep south equal HOT AND HUMID. Humidity is not the same as dry heat – it’s seriously like walking into a hot, wet blanket. For instance, the temperature is currently 95, with a heat index of 105. The humidity makes it feel 10 to 20 degrees HOTTER than it actually is.
This is the kind of heat that makes you sweat even if you’re standing in the shade. It’s muggy and inescapable.
Add to that the fact that you’re often standing on hot asphalt (especially during transportation periods) and you’re surrounded by other hot bodies in close proximity, it can turn even the most pleasant person into a crab apple if they aren’t actively doing things to help alleviate the heat.
Tips For Surviving The Hot Temperature at Disney
Being prepared for the heat is always the best course of action. Whether that’s packing the right things in your suitcase or having a game plan for when your family needs to cool off, being prepared is your best bet for surviving the Disney heat.
Be prepared with these tips on dealing with the heat in Orlando when visiting Disney World.
- Skip the costumes. There is a reason there are so many Etsy sellers that make cute Disney-inspired sundresses for kids. While it may seem magical to let your kids wear that polyester-and-tulle princess dress for their first trip to Disney, they will be a miserable hot mess. For our first trip, I let my daughter bring one costume and then filled the rest of her suitcase with light, breathable Disney-inspired dresses. The difference in how our days went when she was wearing the costume versus the other outfits was like night and day. If you really want to get a few shots of them in their favorite costume at the parks, pack a lighter outfit for them to change into if the costume becomes unbearable.
- Baby wipes are not just for babies. You will appreciate this one…just bring the wipes!
- Wear good shoes. You will be walking a lot, and your feet will get hot and sweaty. Leave the cute shoes and flip-flops at home. (Don’t say we didn’t warn you!)
- Speaking of shoes, bring extra. If you get caught in the rain or if your feet sweat a lot from the heat, you will want a dry pair for the next day. There is nothing worse than getting up the next day and putting on wet shoes. YUCK!
- Be prepared for the rain showers. Usually, right before a rain shower, it gets EVEN hotter. Then it cools off for a bit, then heats right back up. Don’t let the weather forecast fool you – It will usually say rain for most of the day, which is not accurate. It will rain, then clear up. Bring the ponchos and enjoy! Of course, if it’s storming, seek shelter. It will pass.
- Bad hair IS a given! Yes, the humidity will make your hairdo some crazy stuff. Frizzy, dry, and nasty-feeling is a good way of describing it. Dry shampoo or hair oils (depending on your hair type) will help, or just be ready to throw it in a ponytail! If you’re worried about pictures, just pop on a pair of Mickey Ears.
- Pack to stay cool. For our family, we always bring these cooling towels and misting waterbottles. The cooling towels don’t drip and they actually help keep you cool. If you have kids that will be in strollers, they even make stroller fans to help keep them cool – but keep in mind that your everyday stroller may insulate heat too much. We’ve always used cheap umbrella strollers at the parks and have had no issues.
- Get that free water! Bring insulated waterbottles and pour those cups of free ice water that Disney gives you into them to help keep the water cooler longer.

- “Disney Rash” is definitely a thing. It’s like a heat rash on steroids. Don’t worry, we’ve got even more tips. Read more about Disney Rash here!
- Don’t forget this one – bring lots of deodorant.
- Know where the “misting” zones are. At Magic Kingdom, the Casey Jr. Splash and Soak Station just past the Barnstormer Ride is a great place to let kids cool off. However, if you don’t want them to get fully soaked, just in front of the Jungle Cruise there is a camel statue that “spits” water at you.
Of course, indoor areas at Disney are air-conditioned so if you need to cool off, pop into a Quick Service restaurant, walk through some stores or get in line for a ride with an indoor queue.
Is Animal Kingdom Hotter Than Other Parks?
It has not been officially proven either way, but some do feel that Animal Kingdom is hotter than the other Disney Parks.
One theory is that the vegetation responsible for the authentic animal habitat feel is said to create a sort of rainforest effect. This could cause the park to be hotter than the others. On the other hand, some people feel that all the trees and plants offer shade that isn’t available at most parks, making Animal Kingdom feel cooler to them.
I guess the answer to this question is still up to debate.
Average Temperature at Disney by Month
Here are the average monthly highs for Orlando, FL, as shared by the NOAA. As you see, you get some relief from the heat in those cooler months but it’s still pretty warm!
- January – 71°
- February – 74°
- March – 78°
- April – 83°
- May – 87°
- June – 90°
- July – 90°
- August – 91°
- September – 89°
- October – 84°
- November – 78°
- December – 74°
Keep in mind that these are averages – the temperatures can be dramatically higher or even colder than these averages suggest – and also these temperatures don’t factor in the heat index/humidity.
Final Verdict: Is it Hot at Disney?
So the verdict is… it’s definitely HOT and you need to be ready for the temperature at Disney World during the summer months and even sometimes, the winter months. However, there are great ways to be prepared for the sometimes intense heat and still have a super-fun vacation at the parks!
Do you refuse a trip to Disney World in the summer months, or do you just go and deal with it? Let us know by joining DISNEY EXPRESS LANE, our Facebook group for all things Disney! We would love to hear any tips you have for surviving the heat.
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