Video: Turtle Talk With Crush at Disney World Review
The interaction between a turtle and humans is always a plus, find out with the Video: Turtle Talk With Crush at Disney World Review!
Tip #1 Entrance
Let’s talk turtle. Turtle Talk with Crush that is. Turtle Talk with Crush is a 17 minute show with our favorite 150 year old sea turtle, Crush, from the 2003 Pixar film Finding Nemo. You can attend this show at Epcot, in The Seas with Nemo and Friends pavilion. If you are going straight there after entering the park, once you pass Spaceship Earth, you will want to go right at the Innoventions West building. Just as you pass Innoventions West, there is a walkway to your right. This path will take you straight to The Seas with Nemo and Friends pavilion. You will want to enter through the doors on the far left of the building, and Turtle Talk with Crush will be on your right, just past the gift shop. If you are riding The Seas with Nemo and Friends, the entrance to the show is just as you exit the ride. When you enter the park make sure to grab a Times Guide to check what the show times are for that day.
Tip #2 Adults in the Back, Kids in the Front
You will enter into a theater style room with a large window looking into Crush’s underwater world. Adults will find seating on benches while children are encouraged to sit on a carpeted area right in front of the window. If you have a child(ren) with you that will be sitting in the front, it’s a good idea to have them stay seated after the show is over and you go to them. I didn’t think of this our first visit and our daughter frantically tried to get to us once the show was over. By the time we found each other, she was scared and in tears. After everyone is seated, a cast member will give an introduction to the show and also share a few rules that need to be followed. It will also be explained exactly how Crush is able to communicate with us humans in the human tank.
Crush will swim down to appear in the window and it may seem like you are about to watch a standard screen show, he does look and sound just as he does in Finding Nemo. But since we are talking about Disney here, we all know something magical is going to happen, and it surely does. You will notice something that resembles a microphone hanging at Crush’s window. Rest assured this is no ordinary microphone. It is a high-tech device called a hydrophone. This hydrophone allows Crush to hear and talk to us, and us to hear and talk to him. With the help of the cast member, Crush will select children and adults in the audience by describing them, since he is able to “see” us. Our daughter was chosen during a show and Crush described her as “the dudette with the blue shell”, the blue shell being her blue shirt. Crush is just as curious about our world as we are his underwater world, so children are encouraged to ask questions and he will even ask them about their life on land. Children delight in being able to have a real conversation with their favorite sea turtle.
Towards the end of the show, there may even be some surprise appearances by other characters from the original movie. Dory has visited in a couple of shows we have seen. She and Crush exchanged humorous dialogue that had the audience in tears from laughter. She even taught us to speak whale. The show ends with Crush swimming back out into the vast ocean.
Tip #3 Wait Times
Wait times are generally not long for Turtle Talk with Crush. It is unusual to wait through one or two shows. The least crowded times to see this attraction are before 11am and after 3pm. Fastpass is also available for this attraction.
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photo credit: Aquarium Day via photopin (license)
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